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Texas House District 126, located in Northwest Harris County, has faced significant flooding and infrastructure challenges over the years, severely impacting residents and the local economy. Major flooding events, including Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and the recent Hurricane Beryl, have highlighted the district’s vulnerabilities, particularly regarding inadequate drainage systems and the need for timely recovery efforts. While there are commendable initiatives currently underway to address these challenges, such as drainage improvements and flood control projects led by Harris County Flood Control District, there is always room for continued progress. Cypress Creek Drainage Improvement District has done a wonderful job and I plan to support their efforts and well as encourage District residents to attend public meetings and workshops, sign up for their newsletters and also do any surveys released. Emergency and Disaster Response is a field I am in and also environmentally well versed so infrastructure challenges I see often on a deeper level than some. As your representative, I am committed to building upon and supporting these current initiatives while also introducing new, measurable actions to further mitigate flooding risks and improve our infrastructure.

New Measurable Actions to Address Flooding and Infrastructure Issues:

  1. Expand Drainage Improvement Projects in High-Risk Areas Action: I will work to secure additional funding to expand drainage improvement projects specifically targeting high-risk neighborhoods that have been repeatedly impacted by flooding. This includes enhancing current drainage systems, installing new stormwater pumps, and upgrading existing infrastructure. Measurement: Success will be tracked by the number of completed projects within the next 18 months, with a goal of reducing flooding incidents in identified high-risk areas by 30% within two years.
  2. Develop a District 126 Flood Resilience and Recovery Task Force Action: Establish a local Flood Resilience and Recovery Task Force composed of community leaders, engineers, and emergency management experts to assess ongoing risks, propose new solutions, and coordinate rapid response efforts during flood events. This task force will also provide recommendations for long-term infrastructure improvements. Measurement: The task force will provide quarterly reports on progress and recommended actions, with specific metrics for reducing response times and increasing community preparedness by 50% within the first year.
  3. Implement a Community-Based Flood Monitoring and Alert System Action: Launch a community-based flood monitoring and alert system, utilizing real-time data from sensors and weather forecasts to provide early warnings to residents. This system will also collect data on flooding patterns, helping to inform future infrastructure improvements. Measurement: The system’s effectiveness will be measured by response times during flood events, the accuracy of flood warnings, and resident feedback. The goal is to achieve a 90% accuracy rate in flood alerts and improve community response times by 40% within the first year.
  4. Promote Green Infrastructure Solutions Action: Advocate for the implementation of green infrastructure solutions such as rain gardens, permeable pavements, and urban green spaces to reduce surface runoff and enhance natural flood defenses. I will work with local businesses and developers to incorporate these sustainable practices into new and existing projects. Measurement: Track the installation of green infrastructure projects, with a target of implementing at least five new green infrastructure projects per year, contributing to a measurable reduction in runoff and localized flooding.

“A true leader and Texas House Representative must not only take action but make it a priority to measure the impact of those actions. Without accountability and measurable outcomes, we cannot truly serve our community or understand the real effects of our decisions. By measuring our actions, we ensure that we are delivering on our promises, making data-driven improvements, and creating meaningful change that benefits all Texans.” -Sarah Smith


  1. Regular Progress Reports: I will ensure that all initiatives have clear, measurable benchmarks and require regular progress reports from involved agencies and task forces. Reports will track completion rates, reductions in flooding incidents, and the efficiency of response efforts.
  2. Community Feedback Surveys: To gauge the success of flood prevention measures, I will conduct annual community feedback surveys to understand residents’ experiences with flooding, satisfaction with improvements, and suggestions for further actions.
  3. Data Analysis from Monitoring Systems: The new flood monitoring and alert system will provide real-time data on flood occurrences and effectiveness of infrastructure improvements, allowing us to make data-driven adjustments to ongoing projects.

Addressing These Issues in Austin on the Legislative Level:

  1. Advocate for Increased State Funding for Flood Mitigation: I will work to secure additional state funding for flood control projects in District 126 through legislative proposals and amendments, emphasizing the district’s unique vulnerabilities and the need for ongoing investment.
  2. Push for Statewide Flood Infrastructure Legislation: I will support and co-sponsor legislation that prioritizes funding for flood mitigation and infrastructure improvements statewide, including the expansion of green infrastructure incentives and stormwater management programs.
  3. Leverage State Resources for Rapid Response and Recovery: I will advocate for enhanced coordination between state agencies and local governments to streamline emergency response efforts and recovery funding, ensuring that District 126 has the resources it needs when disaster strikes.
  4. Champion Statewide Flood Resilience Standards: I will push for legislation that establishes uniform flood resilience standards for new developments, ensuring that all future construction is designed with flood prevention in mind, ultimately protecting residents and businesses from future flooding events.

Through these actions, I aim to not only address the immediate flooding challenges faced by District 126 but also lay the foundation for a more resilient and prepared community. By working both locally and at the state level, we can build a safer, stronger district equipped to handle future flood events.