Building a Stronger Future:

 Improving Education in District 126  

Here’s a question: What’s the most important investment we can make for the future? For me, it’s education. And in District 126, we have an incredible opportunity to strengthen our schools and empower the next generation of leaders.

Right now, our schools are doing a great job, but they need more. We need better facilities, more technology, and the resources to make sure our students are ready for anything. And let’s not forget our teachers—they are working harder than ever, but many are struggling with burnout and, in some cases, low pay. It’s heartbreaking to hear stories of teachers going above and beyond for their students, only to find themselves financially strapped.

It’s time we invest more in our schools and educators. Whether it’s upgrading classrooms, offering counseling services for teachers, or increasing their pay, every step we take will make a difference. After all, when we lift up our schools, we lift up our entire community.  

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