Breathe Easy, District 126: Let’s Talk About Air Quality

Have you ever thought about the air you’re breathing? I mean, really thought about it? In District 126, air quality is a growing concern—and it should be. With industrial areas nearby and lots of traffic passing through, we’re seeing higher levels of air pollution. And that pollution? It can lead to real health problems, especially for children, the elderly, and people with respiratory issues.

The good news is that people are starting to take notice. Local organizations and residents are advocating for cleaner air and pushing for better regulations to protect our environment. Plus, more businesses are getting on board with green practices like using renewable energy or adding green spaces.

The air we breathe affects everything—our health, our environment, our quality of life. So, let’s keep pushing for cleaner air, and in the meantime, we can all do our part by supporting eco-friendly practices at home and in our community.  

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